
Data v. Humanities

Emily Drabinski, “Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction” (2013). Brooklyn Library Faculty Publications. Paper 9.

Eva Weinmayr, Section 3: Survey of the Field

Feminist Search Tool

Mary Beltran, Meaningful Diversity: Exploring Questions of Equitable Representation on Diverse Ensemble Cast Shows, (2010).


Art & Design

Dewey for Artists, Mary Jane Jacob, 2018

W. E. B. Du Bois’s Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America, Silas Munro, Whitney Battle-Baptiste, Britt Rusert, 2018. (Also this 2018 Cooper Union talk)

Jacob Lawrence, The Migration Series

Alfred Inselberg, Parallel coordinates plots for high-dimension data, 1985

Lucille Tenazas, The Designer as Cultural Nomad, 2018



United Nations, Unstereotype Alliance

Nielsen, Being Seen on Screen: Diverse Representation and Inclusion on TV

Frail, Frumpy and Forgotten: A Report on The Movie Roles of Women of Age

Women Over 50: The Right to Be Seen on Screen, NextFifty Initiative and Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

Hollywood Diversity Report 2020: Film, UCLA

Hollywood Diversity Report 2020: Television, UCLA

Where We Are on TV Report 2020, GLAAD

Lean Data Practices